During your consultation you will have a discussion with the doctor covering:
- Your medical history, family history, allergies, drug reactions, and immunizations.
- Your medications and supplements.
- Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and other health topics like weight control, blood pressure, and exercise.
- Additional screenings applicable to your sex and age bracket, e,g, breast or testicular exam, annual gynecological exam, skin check, etc.
Routine Diagnostic Tests
- Complete blood count, cholesterol, and lipid profile
- Kidney and liver profile
- Urine analysis
- Fasting blood sugar*
- Calcium and vitamin D level
- Thyroid function
Egyszerű orvosi vizsgálat
- Vérnyomás
- Pulzusszám
- Testhőmérséklet
- Súly és magasság
- A bőr, szem, fül, száj, nyak, szív és erek, tüdő, emlő, alhas,végtagok musculoskeletal, urogenital és az idegrendszer vizsgálata
- Abdomen and back
- Extremities, and musculoskeletal